
OLSON--Week 10

YouTube + OLSON + Freestyle Rap = Fastest-growing viral phenomenon known to man.

Post it to your Facebook. Tweet about it. Blog about it. Grab a screen capture and stick it on your car’s window (hey, it’s a hot one out there, you need something to protect yourself from the heat). This new YouTube sensation brought enough heat to OLSON that we needed to crank the A/C to compensate. You’d think you were in an igloo according to the dial, but the second you’re in here, you can’t help but feel your temperature rise due to all the hot talent this place has.

Speaking of hot talent, OLSON will be having its annual retreat at the end of this month. At the event, there is rumored to be a talent show of sorts. Challenge? This show requires 8–10 OLSONites to show off their talent for about three minutes to compete for incredible prizes. This was announced at Monday Status last week. Sounds great, right? Well, it was then revealed that unless the 10 O-terns did not find the talent, we would be it! I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it all turns out. Should be entertaining either way, to say the least.

Tip of the week: Always strive for more. Even if you are great at what you do, you can always be better. I found my new favorite quote recently: “Better is the enemy of best.” Getting down what is required of you is a good thing, whether that is in a job, in a friendship, etc. But, it is always a better thing to seek after improvement. This is typically harder to do when things are already going great and you are confident in what you are doing. That is still no excuse, in my opinion. Be the runner who refuses to slack, even if he is in first place.


OLSON--Week 9

For my amusing story of the week, I am going to take one I was a little too embarrassed about to write about in a previous blog. :) Here at OLSON, the desks are positioned in a manner that promotes community. A.k.a, I have a guy that sits right across from me, so we share a desk space of sorts. Aside from "accidentally" kicking me under the desk from time to time, he is not a bad work neighbor. In fact, the first time I was told I would be sitting there, I noticed that he had giant set of hulk fists on top of our shared desk space. They are the kind that makes hulk noises if you punch something with them.

Well, I found this pretty humorous, not simply because this was quite a random piece of furniture to be greeted by, but more so because upon moving into the house I am in now, I had found a set of these! Needless to say, I told him that I would be bringing them in. About a month and a half went by, and I had still not brought them in. He was convinced they did not exist, which made me even more amused at the thought of having them randomly one day appear.

One fine summer morning, the day had come. I brought them in, placed them on his desk, and camped out, waiting for him to come into work. He did not come right away, so I went to get some cereal (did I mention we get that here?). He ended up coming in right as I was heading back up the stairs. I walked right behind him, creating small talk, honestly feeling like a little kid about to pull a prank. We were just out of sight of the green fists when three things happened. First, he realized that he needed coffee. Second, I realized that I was walking too closely behind him to anticipate his stopping. Third, he turned on his heels and my cereal took the brunt of the motion. Ha. The expression on his face said, “Wow, you were following me really closely…” This was even more awkward, because he did not know why I was following so closely behind him. When he returned from his coffee break, he discovered the fists. It was worth it, spilled milk and all.

On a completely different and more serious note, every once in a while in life, you get an opportunity that stretches you, challenges you, causes you to become humble, but also brings you the excitement of knowing that you are developing a skill set that can be utilized in the future for many kinds of experiences. Much like the stretching of a muscle, so it the testing of your ability in situations that are new to you. This is what I am experiencing here. Tip of the week: Enjoy the stretching. Rather than complaining about your challenges, think of what they are preparing you for.