
At First I Thought...

At first I thought that having time off between jobs was going to be horrible. You know, the typical, my contract is over and I don't have another position lined up yet. Well, I have decided that having about a month off/job searching/interview intensive was exactly what I needed. Funny thing is, I had no idea that I needed it.

I have been just as busy as I had been before, but doing other things, of course. Job searching, hanging out with friends, getting more involved in some of the communities that I had drifted from, going on new adventures, spending time getting to know the One in this life that gives everything purpose.

It's been a chance to reassess my priorities, my goals, my interests, where I want to spend my time...
I'd say that my time has definitely been spent more strategically.

Anyway, point it, this is exactly what I needed. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I'm just amused that Someone knew that all along. :)

So, what's next? Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see...

I can give you a clue into a few things I've found over this season though (some new, some old favorites):
-I like it when the sun's out
-I like photo shoots
-I still like motorcycles
-I like Skype
-I like my house church...more like family, actually
-I like seeing more of my roommates
-I like watching close friends get married
-I like meeting tons of new people through interviewing (I think I counted 27+ last time I checked...)
-I like having time to go for a run in the middle of the day
-I like being a nerd and following advertising organizations on LinkedIn
-I like...Twitter
-I like having a Flickr account, finally
-I like meeting up with people to network...there are just so many smart professionals in my field that have blessed me with their presence and knowledge
-I like having my personal computer/email just as organized as my work one was
-I like Sperry's
-I like exploring more of the city through interviews and meeting up with people
-I like that I have been able to reassess my life...this is good

Next steps? I'll keep you posted.



I realized yesterday that this is one of the "slowest" periods of my life. I have graduated. I am in between jobs. I am not the leader of any networking organization (although I do belong to AdFed...great folks, they are). I don't have a weekly sport (although I am trying to keep on my kick of running and lifting twice a week). I don't have a pet llama to feed. I have not found a Minnesota lake warm enough to take up underwater basket weaving.

So, what am I doing? I'm learning to rest. Learning to trust that "life will come through." And, at the same time, realizing that life is here right now. I don't have to be pumping the resume at mach 100 to make my life worth while. I'm ok just the way I am. I'm ok to just be (believe me, I have to tell myself this multiple times a day - something about being an over-achiever). In fact, I'm getting caught up on things I've been meaning to do forever...like set up my printer. But I'm not talking about it. We're not friends at the moment. I got to go on three motorcycle rides this week. THREE. Yes, I love speed and adventure. Maybe too much. I am making gifts for friends. I'm getting plugged back into to Bible studies that fell off my plate. I am even house hunting with the fabulous friends I am living with next year. That, and all kinds of little, random things that I enjoy.

Yes, I think it is good that I am at this place. A place to slow down. A place to enjoy what I have enjoyed about 20% worth (although I thought I was going at it with a full 100%).

I'll keep you posted as to where I end up job-wise. There have been some fun and crazy adventures with networking, learning about companies, and realizing that the sky's the limit for my passion and enthusiasm.

In the meantime, you'll just have to listen to my rants and raves about motorcycle rides, indoor rock climbing, job hunting, photography-taking, and all around just relearning to enjoy life.*

*Disclaimer: I have always enjoyed life. :) I am just learning to look at it from another angle. I think this angle is called peace...and I'm pleased to say that I think I'll keep it even when things "pick back up" again.


Take Me To Refreshing.

Let's chat.

Over a cup of spicy tea.

While looking out, into the snow-covered land, dazzling under the sun's inviting rays.

Negative temperatures do not minimize the beauty before us.

Let''s have a cup of tea and chat. Shall we?

Take me away. Bring me to a place of comfort, a place of solitude. To a place where my mind can rest. My soul can be refreshed. Where my thoughts of the future and worries of the unknown do not dominate my mind's space. A place where the center of my world is not myself.

Take me to a place...take me away. Show me the "more" that I know exists. I have felt it. I have known it.
Bring me there. That is where I want to spend my time.

Over a cup of tea.


One month and four days

It has been one month and four days since my last blog. This is not a confession, although it does strangely feel like one. Why is it, that with our world being as socially focused as it is, we end up feeling guilty when it has been "too long" since we last visited Facebook, Twitter or our blog?

If it is because we are lagging on responding to those who are dear to us, fine. If it is for no other reason than the feeling that we must keep on on our social networks, not fine.

I have found that there are things in life which hold far greater value than the fleeting and passing excitements of typical entertainment. Like what, you might ask? Like helping a friend with this or that. Like listening to a family member that needs advice. Like spending time getting to know the Lord who created the heavens and the earth...who longs to have a relationship with us deeper than anyone else ever will. Things like that.

But don't worry about feeling like I'm judging you or anything along those lines. In fact, quite the contrary. I am preaching to the choir. So often, it is easy to spend our free time doing things that do not matter in the long run.

For as long as I can remember, I have tried to stay away from that. I have tried my hardest to focus on the things that really matter. Looking back, however, I am not sure how grand of a job I really did.

So, starting right now. I will put my attention on those things. No, I am not going on a "Facebook fast," or a Twitter vaca, but I am going to work at focusing on the lasting things of this life.

Ready, set, go! Right? :)


Once Upon A Time, There Was Family.

Once upon a time, I realized that family is more important than a lot of things.
They are there for you when you need it, they enjoy at your stupid humor (probably because they share it) and they tend to make you laugh harder than you'd ever thought possible.

I am not sure when "once upon a time" dawned on me. Maybe it has always been here.


Has It Really Only Been...

Has it really only been 4 months since I graduated? How is that possible? I feel as though I have lived a lifetime with all that I have learned.

Well, I finished my official "O-ternship" on the October 30th. It was the following Monday that I began my position as a freelance contractor helping with Brand Management and the Effies...aka...internal public relations and a huge award show.

It has been such a great experience so far. First things first, I get to work with people that are a lot of fun and have as much energy as me. I did not think that was possible! Well, it is.

I get to hang out with some of the VP's, too. They are good people.

All in all, OLSON is still proving to be the company that I would love to be at long-term.


OLSON--Week 12

Once upon a time, I stumbled on a story of an agency whose founder slid down a royal staircase onto a sheet of cardboard. In this story, there were many Minute To Win It games played, an epic talent show that resulted in said O-tern revising The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song to match OLSON’s style of glory and a hearty dose of laughter.

I do not mean to brag, but OLSON’s retreat was great! From noon to 10 p.m., we spent time with one another, playing volleyball, taking out the canoes, dancing until we could dance no more, eating great food and winning prizes for our incredible tribes. Did I mention that my tribe won a dinner to Buca di Beppo for having the best tribe BBQ? Yay for “Dog Days of Summer”!

I can honestly say that there is something unique about this company, and it is something that I am ecstatic to have had the privilege to be a part of the past three months. I have never been in a place that both works and plays harder than most people would find possible.

I should also let you know that it’s not only the people who make OLSON what it is, but the desk spaces as well. With an OLSON Brickman bobble head, O-tern dodgeball and a great origami swan atop my desk space, mine is certainly not the most unique. One of my favorites is the taxidermy/stuffed rooster wearing gold bling atop a senior account executive’s space.

I am not quite sure how to put into words everything that I have learned while here at OLSON. The work has kept me challenged, the people have kept me energized and the overall tone has kept me going.

One of my favorite aspects of this internship was the chance all of us O-terns had to prove ourselves in a real client experience. If you recall, I hinted at this in a few of the previous blogs. I wrote of a company that honestly cares about its employees, its past and its future.

In taking valuable insights we learned along the way from individuals in our areas of expertise, we worked together to create a campaign for this long-standing client of OLSON. There were many late nights, many comical email threads, as I wrote about in last week’s blog, and one pleased CEO in the end. Incredible. Invaluable. I made nine new friends in this process and learned more than I had ever thought possible.

TIP OF THE WEEK: When an opportunity comes your way to be a part of something greater—especially when it involves good people, like the ones here—do everything you can to make the most of it. You will not be disappointed. I certainly wasn’t!

Cheers to you, OLSON! Thanks for the privilege.