
At First I Thought...

At first I thought that having time off between jobs was going to be horrible. You know, the typical, my contract is over and I don't have another position lined up yet. Well, I have decided that having about a month off/job searching/interview intensive was exactly what I needed. Funny thing is, I had no idea that I needed it.

I have been just as busy as I had been before, but doing other things, of course. Job searching, hanging out with friends, getting more involved in some of the communities that I had drifted from, going on new adventures, spending time getting to know the One in this life that gives everything purpose.

It's been a chance to reassess my priorities, my goals, my interests, where I want to spend my time...
I'd say that my time has definitely been spent more strategically.

Anyway, point it, this is exactly what I needed. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I'm just amused that Someone knew that all along. :)

So, what's next? Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see...

I can give you a clue into a few things I've found over this season though (some new, some old favorites):
-I like it when the sun's out
-I like photo shoots
-I still like motorcycles
-I like Skype
-I like my house church...more like family, actually
-I like seeing more of my roommates
-I like watching close friends get married
-I like meeting tons of new people through interviewing (I think I counted 27+ last time I checked...)
-I like having time to go for a run in the middle of the day
-I like being a nerd and following advertising organizations on LinkedIn
-I like...Twitter
-I like having a Flickr account, finally
-I like meeting up with people to network...there are just so many smart professionals in my field that have blessed me with their presence and knowledge
-I like having my personal computer/email just as organized as my work one was
-I like Sperry's
-I like exploring more of the city through interviews and meeting up with people
-I like that I have been able to reassess my life...this is good

Next steps? I'll keep you posted.

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