
To Look Back Upon It and Smile

Have you ever wondered if there should be more to life than taking it too seriously? I believe the seriousness needs to be countered with relaxation, adventure, and great friendship...namely, eating corn on the cob while sitting on the deck watching the sun go down...then, trading places to let another roommate relax on the deck to make a call while you climb up onto the roof (accompanied by an equally adventurous friend) to startle her...only to find that she has gone inside after the roof has been tackled...and then getting stuck on the way down and laughing too hard to balance the weight properly, thus causing legs to flail awkwardly yet hilariously...and sharing it all with great friends who find the whole situation as equally as entertaining as you do (and knowing when it is ok to have a massive run-on sentence with poor grammar).

...and then be able to be taken seriously as you present brilliant ideas to future employers....

...ah, this life must not be taken so seriously that one is not able to look back upon it and smile.


Summer Time

Well folks, it has been exactly one month since my last blog...and I feel like this is a confession. :)

Ok...so what's new? Well, I have graduated from the beautiful Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN with a BA in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing...joy!

Next week I'll start my full time internship at OLSON Advertising Agency (oco.com) as an "o-tern" and I am incredibly excited about it! Do you remember what you felt like the week before college orientation...that nervous giddy feeling that makes you smile at the thought of a new opportunity...yet also makes you wonder if you are ready or have what it takes to do whatever it is you are getting into? Well, I remember that feeling...and it feels a little bit like I do right now! However, I also remember the flip side of that...feeling like, although I do not know everything (to say the least!) about this new environment and experience, I have a strange peace that it is exactly what I am supposed to be doing at this very moment in time...and that, my friends, makes it all worth while...

I will be learning the ropes of what it means to be an "account executive" and oh man, how neat a roll it is! To put it simply, I will be a liaison between the clients and the creative teams at OLSON. This will enable me to have the "communication thing" going on as well as be able to have a hand in the creative process! Like I said, there is MUCH to be learned...but rather than allowing that to intimidate me, I a choosing to walk into this with my eyes wide open, like a little kid watching the "older kids" jump off the diving board--although it looks a tad intimidating...it also looks like WAY too much fun to pass up! Therefore, in following suit of my younger-diving-board-jumping-self, I have vowed to never "pass up" a good opportunity with this incredible experience. I'm going to give it my all, look to learn more than I have capacity to take in, and execute what I have learned with excellence...while all the while admitting any mistakes and learning from the best (I have heard there are a lot of those around OLSON)...and rockin' it!

As if this company is not the coolest already...they have dodgeball games! How could it get any better?...hmmm...maybe if there were a giant rock robot on top of the roof....oh, one can always dream, right? ;)

Keep following me to hear about my adventures at OLSON...I sure am looking forward to this summer rolling out...and sharing it with you as I go!

--the eager, not-sure-what-to-expect-but-very-interested-in-learning, soon-to-be...O-tern..