
Summer Time

Well folks, it has been exactly one month since my last blog...and I feel like this is a confession. :)

Ok...so what's new? Well, I have graduated from the beautiful Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN with a BA in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing...joy!

Next week I'll start my full time internship at OLSON Advertising Agency (oco.com) as an "o-tern" and I am incredibly excited about it! Do you remember what you felt like the week before college orientation...that nervous giddy feeling that makes you smile at the thought of a new opportunity...yet also makes you wonder if you are ready or have what it takes to do whatever it is you are getting into? Well, I remember that feeling...and it feels a little bit like I do right now! However, I also remember the flip side of that...feeling like, although I do not know everything (to say the least!) about this new environment and experience, I have a strange peace that it is exactly what I am supposed to be doing at this very moment in time...and that, my friends, makes it all worth while...

I will be learning the ropes of what it means to be an "account executive" and oh man, how neat a roll it is! To put it simply, I will be a liaison between the clients and the creative teams at OLSON. This will enable me to have the "communication thing" going on as well as be able to have a hand in the creative process! Like I said, there is MUCH to be learned...but rather than allowing that to intimidate me, I a choosing to walk into this with my eyes wide open, like a little kid watching the "older kids" jump off the diving board--although it looks a tad intimidating...it also looks like WAY too much fun to pass up! Therefore, in following suit of my younger-diving-board-jumping-self, I have vowed to never "pass up" a good opportunity with this incredible experience. I'm going to give it my all, look to learn more than I have capacity to take in, and execute what I have learned with excellence...while all the while admitting any mistakes and learning from the best (I have heard there are a lot of those around OLSON)...and rockin' it!

As if this company is not the coolest already...they have dodgeball games! How could it get any better?...hmmm...maybe if there were a giant rock robot on top of the roof....oh, one can always dream, right? ;)

Keep following me to hear about my adventures at OLSON...I sure am looking forward to this summer rolling out...and sharing it with you as I go!

--the eager, not-sure-what-to-expect-but-very-interested-in-learning, soon-to-be...O-tern..

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