
To Look Back Upon It and Smile

Have you ever wondered if there should be more to life than taking it too seriously? I believe the seriousness needs to be countered with relaxation, adventure, and great friendship...namely, eating corn on the cob while sitting on the deck watching the sun go down...then, trading places to let another roommate relax on the deck to make a call while you climb up onto the roof (accompanied by an equally adventurous friend) to startle her...only to find that she has gone inside after the roof has been tackled...and then getting stuck on the way down and laughing too hard to balance the weight properly, thus causing legs to flail awkwardly yet hilariously...and sharing it all with great friends who find the whole situation as equally as entertaining as you do (and knowing when it is ok to have a massive run-on sentence with poor grammar).

...and then be able to be taken seriously as you present brilliant ideas to future employers....

...ah, this life must not be taken so seriously that one is not able to look back upon it and smile.

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