
OLSON--Week 8

Intern hazing. Lots of red. Lots of orange. Name that event. OLSONdenali Rally in the Alley! OLSON hosted an event last Thursday for the official tour and bonding time of OLSON and its new loyalty division OLSONdenali (formerly Denali Marketing). Young and old alike (young being 20, old being not too much older than that—it is the world of advertising, after all) came together to rally in the alley behind OLSON.

Intern hazing. The 10 OLSON O-terns formed three teams, with the three OLSONdenali interns, for a fantastic round of events. You have to see the pictures (LINK TO http://www.facebook.com/OLSONagency?v=photos#!/album.php?aid=190178&id=10662217756) to give the sporting event justice! As best as I can describe it, here is one of the events: teams of four, arrayed in conga lines, with their leader being blindfolded, in a helmet, and holding a steering wheel, zig-zagged their way through a maze of cones. Name of the game? “Backseat Driver.”

I was hiding in the back. Not “hiding.” More like conveniently finding conversation at a safe distance from the rest of the interns and the intimate workings of the event. Well, that proved to be unsuccessful as it was graciously pointed out (and you know who you are) by a lovely fellow OLSONite, “Hey, isn’t this an intern? I found one!” Needless to say, I was pushed to the front, conveniently, just as my team was about to race. “I am in heels!” I said. “Perfect,” was the response I received. Ha. Classic. Well, my team earned extra points because their red-headed, blindfolded, helmet-adorned leader completed the course in heels. Ah, I could not have done it without my team. “No, Kelli, around the cone.” “Oh, right, that cone, sorry, I missed it the first time because I was blindfolded.” Ha. I love OLSON.

Tip of the week: Work hard, play hard. Sweet and simple, yes, but in following this simple four-worded phrase, you will keep your sanity, and have fun doing it. OLSON is the king of the hill at following this tip, as I am sure you have been able to tell from the rest of my blogs. Even if your “play hard” does not happen where you work, make sure to make time for it on your own. Whether that be sitting and watching the sun set, playing a quick game of kickball with your friends (you’d be surprised how many people would actually be game for this—I hear there is a kickball league here in town), or nerding out to your favorite thing that you’d be embarrassed to tell half your friends about (I know you have something in mind), you have to take time to enjoy the small things in life. It’s not long enough to spend it all working. Go have some fun!

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