
jobs worth investing time into...the search begins

Well, I am officially on a hunt for a "career job." There are so many options it is difficult to know exactly where to begin. Praise the Lord for connection with old friends...ones that I did not even know did what they do (for a job). I am also very thankful for informational interviews!

Shall I look into advertising, or stick with PR? Marketing? Anyone...anyone? What do I want to do?
-interact with people
-be creative
-be a part of a bigger picture
-make sure all the little details happen
-have a load of fun
-be professional
-encourage others around me
-be challenged by my work
-ask questions so I learn more
-be mindful that every person I meet and everything I do can and most likely will affect my future
-love what I do
-show passion and excitement in my work

Pretty much? Utilize my God-given talents in a way that shows a company that the benefit they have gained from having me makes them wish they had two.

Pretty much? And at the same time (as...see above) realize that I have a lot to learn from those around me who are more experienced than I...and then taking that knowledge and, rather than boasting in what I know, using it to better the company (by putting it into action) and passing it on to others around me.

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