
stable as golden cobble stones

The ground to which we place our feet upon quickly becomes our stable rock.

Should we choose to walk about the streets of others, we will find our stable rock quite the contrary.

What should we walk upon? When weary and sad? When dreary weather burrows down upon our sadly gazen frown? Or perhaps when dandelions tiptoe to the path created for them by the sun? When we choose to think of everything else...everything but what seems glum?

Should we walk upon the streets of gold, those made by men so "skillfully?" Those made by men, like you and like me? Should we walk upon the streets of gold whose stones were carved by envy for another's path? Should we walk upon the streets of gold, whose stones will surely not last?

Instead dear brothers, instead dear friends, let us walk...march...rather, instead...let us mach upon streets of gold that have been established ahead. Ahead of what, alas, shall be tread? Ahead of time and life...ahead of those who create plans on their own...and ahead of all men alike.

Tread, my friends, tread...no march...march diligently and head held high...upon the path of gold cobble stones of which will surely bring you life.

Which path? Which path? Which path do you say, this path that surely brings life?

What path dear friend, I surely must say, is the path of Jesus Christ.

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