
OLSON--Week 3

Well, well, well, I have completed my 3rd week (and am now into my 4th---blog soon to come).

PHEW! Well, I learned something incredibly helpful last week and over the weekend. YOU CANNOT BE AFRAID OF WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW!

There is so much to learn at an advertising agency...especially one like OLSON (which just acquired Denali...very impressive)!

I must ask questions when I do not quite know what is going on. I learned that this week. Let me repeat my other tip of the week, you cannot be afraid of what you do not know. Did you know that you can take an incredible experience and make yourself so nervous of failing that you do not even want to try? Well, thankfully I did not allow it to get to that point. Why? I am a fighter. I will not give up. Even though the learning curve is intense at times, I will not give up, I will always push myself to exceed what I have previously known as my best....and because of that, I know I will continue to grow and learn as time goes on.

One of my colleagues so graciously pointed out to me--"Keep in mind, this is your first job! This is also your first experience with agency work. There is going to be a learning curve." Another told me, "I have been in the industry for five years, and still HAVE to ask questions because I DO NOT have everything figured out!"

My neatest moment of the week? OLSON had its Father's Day celebration. Cool, right? Cooler than you think...OLSON is an advertising agency, in case you haven't picked up on...which means that everything the people at OLSON do, is funky and awesome.

Instead of calling it a "Father's Day celebration," they called it "MAN DAY." Haha:). What could make a guy happier? My dad came up...it was a grand 'ol time. We had BBQ and took a tour of OLSON's incredible site. I think he had a good time. (Well, he told me it was great...so I suppose it was.) ;)

AND....he made me this sweet artsy (made with slatted wood and chopsticks, so it looks a little Asian) flower arrangement from flowers he picked at home (red lilies...kind of like tiger lilies, but no freckles)--they are honestly some of THE most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!

Anyway, there you have it folks...week 3...


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